Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tempeh Asado Tacos

Tempeh two nights in a row! Usually I try to mix it up but I also try to do something simple on Tuesday and Wednesday, since one of us has somewhere to be on those nights, and this is the way things fell on this week's schedule. This was a completely different use of tempeh, anyway - it was barely recognizable in the chesapeake cakes last night, but much more tempeh-flavored tonight.

This was a very quick recipe - tempeh is steamed, then marinated for 15 minutes or so, then sauteed to brown it a bit. I served it in tacos with cherry tomatoes, cabbage, and cashew cream. Here's all the stuff.

And the messy assembled tacos.

Quick and tasty!

1 comment:

orangek8 said...

Those taco shells look awesome.