Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pad Thai

We loooove pad thai and pad thai is not even vegetarian, at least not in the traditional way. Fish sauce ruins everything! But this version (from Vegan With a Vengeance) is vegan and it's great. I've made it several times but never posted it for some reason.

I also made bagels today! I've been on a huge bagel kick lately, but getting tired of rosemary olive oil - the only savory flavor at Bruegger's that's vegan. Plus it's annoying to have to stop for breakfast every morning before work. So I decided to try making my own and it seems to have worked out! Some of them are cinnamon sugar and some have a mixture of sesame seeds, poppy seeds, garlic salt, and onion flakes on them. The stuff didn't stick too well so I have to work on my method for the next time. Excited for breakfast tomorrow!

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