Saturday, August 20, 2011

Linguine in Lemon Cream Sauce

I'm still new enough at veganism to get really excited when I veganize an old recipe and it works out. This one is from Vegetarian Times, and was one of my favorite things - I once made it for my mom & Hillary, but forgot the olive oil at the end so sorry about that, guys, because it adds a lovely creaminess.

The thing about vegan cream cheese is that it's not very good when it's plain and cold, which can be a problem for someone like me who is often too lazy to toast her bagel. So far I've been really pleased with how well it substitutes for regular cream cheese in recipes, though, both savory and sweet. It was great here! Ben won't eat it on bagels but he loved this. Success!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I makes really good cheesecake, too.