Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leek and Bean Cassoulet with Biscuits

This is a famous (you know, amongst certain circles) Veganomicon recipe I've been wanting to try for months. And it's finally starting to feel like cassoulet weather in North Carolina! And soup, too. I'm excited for winter food.

This is basically a leek, potato, carrot, and white bean stew that cooked on the stove top and then baked with biscuits dropped on top. I thought it might be a little overambitious for a weeknight but it ended up taking not much time at all.

Ben was a huge fan of the biscuits (which contain, er, Crisco - someday I will run out of it and buy not-as-bad-for-you Earth Balance shortening). The whole thing was pretty danged good. Even better the next day for lunch leftovers.

1 comment:

orangek8 said...

That looks SO good!!!