I'm always up for trying a new and exciting vegan fake cheese product! I've heard about this stuff but not seen it around here until now. I put some on toast as a quick snack after the gym this afternoon and I like it. The flavor is straight up nacho-ey and it has a good spreadable texture. I think this is the best tasting commercial vegan cheese I've tried so far, but it's actually pretty similar to the Vegan Diner cheeses I've made myself. I should do a cost analysis to see which is cheaper. Anyway, I'm going to mix it with some macaroni tomorrow and will report back.
Here is my second new item.
I am super pumped about this book. I've been checking random vegan cookbooks out from the library in an attempt to find something worth buying, but the selection is pretty limited and nothing was really catching my fancy. This book kept getting rave reviews, though, so I gave in and ordered it from Amazon sight unseen. I've read through almost the whole thing twice now and it looks pretty amazing. Her recipes are truly innovative, with combinations and techniques I've never heard of and would never even think to try. I have a couple things on the schedule for this week so stay tuned for excitement.
I tried to get a better picture of the book but this kept happening.
Cats are bad!
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