Obviously there is no cheese in this, but it's the same idea as the non-vegan eggplant parm - breaded, fried eggplant with pasta and tomato sauce - and it was just as good. I did have that walnut parmesan I made the other day to sprinkle on top!

I'm actually not very good at frying things, probably because I've spent half my adult life on Weight Watchers and am trained to think that oil = bad. The good thing about eating vegan, though, is that the foods being fried are typically very low calorie. I think I fry more things now than I ever have before in my life. I'm also still learning how to use my cast iron skillet, which heats up much differently from other cookware. So anyway, it was sort of a learning process frying up all this eggplant but it ended up being really tasty!
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