Friday, January 27, 2012


OK, I've made and posted this exact pizza before. But it's been a while, because at some point in my head I decided vegan pizza wasn't really worth the hassle and quit making it. Uh. Why did I do that? This pizza is super great.

Ben makes the dough from a recipe provided by my friend Kate, who I think is the only person I know who loves food as much as I do. It is terrific every time, and as an extra bonus Ben decided at some point he was the master doughmaker, so I always let him do it. I'm not going to argue if it makes my life easier!

My toppings are pesto and tofu ricotta, both whipped up in the food processor while Ben mixed up the dough, with some shiitake mushrooms and Trader Joe's jarred pizza sauce. Perfection!

1 comment:

orangek8 said...

I really DO love food so much and ESPECIALLY PIZZA!!!! That pizza looks so so so so yummy. Do you guys use the version of that dough recipe from after I switched to white whole wheat flour instead of regular whole wheat flour?