Sunday, January 27, 2013

We made crepes!

I've been wanting to make crepes for ages, but it always seemed so intimidating somehow.  I am not very good at pancakes, so maybe that's why.  But I got a crepe pan for Christmas (thanks, mom!) and finally got up the energy on a Sunday morning to give it a try.

I started with a classic, non-vegan recipe, from Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. I wanted to be sure I could handle the basics before trying vegan versions.


Everything I've read says the first crepe never turns out and to throw it away.  This was the first one.  It wasn't pretty but why should you throw away perfectly tasty food?  I ate it.

They definitely did get better after that, though!

"Smile, Ben!"


So the verdict is that homemade crepes are easy and super delicious.  Next attempt will be vegan!

Ben says I have to post this picture of him to prove he doesn't look like a cancer patient in real life.

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