Thursday, August 18, 2011

Orange Mojo Tofu & Yuca with Zesty Lime Sauce

The last time I cooked with yuca I decided it was too much trouble, but my cookbook ladies talk about it in such glowing terms that I got sucked in for another attempt. It's coated in a thick waxy skin that you have to pare off with a knife, and then it's super hard to cut into pieces, and then there's a stringy core that you have to peel out. I was annoyed all over again dealing with it tonight. And then I took a bite and was like, "Oh. Dang."

Really, though, it's the sauce that makes the dish, and it would be perfectly awesome on mashed potatoes as well. You saute onion and lots of garlic in olive oil until they're soft and browned (the recipe calls for 1/2 cup(!) of olive oil but I cut that to 1/4 and still felt guilty about it), then mix in some lime juice, cumin, and salt. It was reeeeally good. And I figure, with mashed potatoes you put lots of butter on there, right? So a little olive oil really just stands in for the butter and is better for you anyway because of the monounsaturatedness.

ANYWAY I also made Viva Vegan's orange mojo tofu for the second time, and steamed some red kale. Great dinner!

1 comment:

orangek8 said...

That tofu looks DELICIOUS!!