Monday, February 3, 2014

A Few Days in Florida

Our second long weekend was spent in southwest Florida, visiting Benjamin's parents. It was such a nice break from this weirdly wintery winter we are having.

We went to a park where tons of manatees hang out in the superheated water that comes from a local power plant. This sounds sort of horrifying but they promise there is no pollution, only heat. Here we are with a small version of a replica manatee skeleton.

Then we went to a different park near the beach to see tortoises. You walk through a jungly area...

.. that gradually opens up as you get closer to the water.

Unfortunately we only saw one tortoise. You can't really see him in this picture but I promise he is there.

The beach was beautiful!

There are a lot of horrifying things to be found in the ocean.

The rest of the trip we mainly relaxed, taking walks and reading our books. I was still ailing from my cold so it was nice to not have any responsibilities for a few days!

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