Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Orange-Cilantro Spaghetti with Tofu & Avocado

I've had New Vegetarian Cuisine for at least a decade but haven't really made too many of the recipes. I was flipping through the other night looking for things that were either vegan or could be easily veganized, and ran across this pasta recipe which sounded interesting. You make a sauce out of orange juice, mostly, with some cilantro, soy sauce, dijon mustard and vegetable broth (and some other things I forgot). I made the Tangerine Tofu from Veganomicon to go with, and also added that avocado I was going to use in yesterday's salad.

One of the negative Amazon reviews of the cookbook says, "If you are looking for some basic recipes you want to play around with to build your own vegetarian specialties, this book may work for you." I would agree with that. The recipe as written would have been pretty boring, but the addition of the tofu and avocado made it really tasty.

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