Monday, July 25, 2011

Goddess Nicoise Salad (Take 2)

I feel like we've been a bit heavy on the frying lately, so I'm going back to Appetite for Reduction for most of our meals this week. I made this once before and remembered it fondly, but it's been a while. One taste of that dressing tonight and I was kicking myself for waiting five months before making it again.

There are lots of veggies in here - red leaf lettuce, cherry tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, roasted red pepper, and then chickpeas mashed with capers. It was a really hearty salad, plenty of food for dinner.


Sarah said...

With only 25 posts this year, I will never catch up with your 170.

molly said...

and Hillary said I wouldn't stick with it!

Ann said...

Keep on posting, I'm enjoying it !