Friday, July 11, 2014


Remember when this was a fun blog about food? The Mexican place by our house has had these tropical fajitas as the special all summer and I'm pretty obsessed with them. They mix up carnitas, chorizo, and chicken with peppers and onions and serve it in half a pineapple. So fancy!

It's a huge amount of food, too. When we went there on Wednesday there was enough left over for Ben and I to share for dinner the next night. 

As far as the cat goes, I'm pretty sure we are on the right track. Banana is much, much more like himself even after only a few days on Keppra. 

He's clumsier than ever, but at least he WANTS to jump on stuff now. Yesterday he didn't fall off the kitchen counter even once, so I think it might be starting to get a little better. The combo of a full dose of Keppra with the phenobarbital still in his system has got to be pretty potent. We still have 3 weeks or so before we get him off the phenobarb so I'm hoping that by early August we'll have a good idea of what he'll really be like on the Keppra. Whoever invented compounding medication into seafood flavored treats deserves some kind of award. Here's what they look like. 

It has made our (and his) life so much better, and I can't wait until we are done with the phenobarb so we don't have to give him any pills at all. 

Oh, and that whole plan of an early morning dose and then lunchtime and evening worked for exactly 2 days. I can't tell you much about them, though, because I was so exhausted I didn't retain any information. We have switched to before and after work and right before bed. It's not exactly 8 hours between dosages, but it's the best we can do and I think it will be good enough. Compared to what I am reading on my forum, his condition seems to be relatively easy to control, at least for now. There are a lot of cats who still have regular seizures even on meds, so thank goodness we don't have to deal with that. Knock on wood. 

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