Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New stuff!

Since we've been home I've gotten two new cookbooks!

Both for obvious reasons. Penelope Casas was one of the most famous American chefs of Spanish cuisine and, while I considered getting her The Foods and Wines of Spain, I went with the tapas book to start (even though these is no recipe in it for Bacon of the Sky).  I broke it in last weekend with a moderately sized tapas feast for Ben and a friend - unfortunately the only thing I took a picture of was this excellent potato salad with egg and tuna.

I've had Isa Does It preordered for months and months, and it finally showed up yesterday just in time for my birthday! Even though obviously I'm eating meat again, Isa is my favorite chef and has made an impact on the way I cook and eat that will never go away. Perusing her list of kitchen and pantry staples in this book last night, I realized my entire kitchen is based around her style - and that's because she's the best! This cookbook is huge and I am super excited to spend the next few months devoting a lot of dinners to trying all her new creations. Stay tuned!

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