Monday, October 28, 2013

New England Glam Chowder

I made my first recipe last night from Isa Does It! It's a clam chowder type thing but with shiitakes subbing for the clams. You're supposed to also add chopped up nori (seaweed) to give it a fishy flavor but I have no interest in fish-flavored soups, so I left it out.

It was excellent. I'm really really glad I have this cookbook to refocus my attention on new healthy recipes. I have been sort of off the rails lately. Here is a video of Isa making this chowder!

The only bummer is that I made her olive oil bread to go with and it tasted like absolutely nothing.  I only ate a few bites and thought, "why was there no salt in this recipe??" and then I reviewed the book and there WAS salt in the recipe. I just forgot to add it. SIGH. Ben likes tasteless bread, apparently, because he seemed perfectly pleased with it, so at least it won't go to waste.

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