Sunday, March 13, 2011

Summer Rolls and Food for the Week

We went out for a huge lunch today, so we made summer rolls for a nice light dinner. These don't involve cooking, but do require chopping a bunch of stuff up. The filling was mango, baked seasoned tofu, spinach, cilantro, and cucumber. Ben helped!

After everything is chopped, you have to pretend you know what you're doing and try to roll them up like you see in the restaurants. It's kind of hard. But it doesn't matter too much because 10 minutes later they're in your belly.

I also cooked up a bunch of different kinds of beans for use in this week's recipes. I could have bought canned beans, but I'm trying to use up the things in the red cabinet, you know. Plus this is more economical.

I used some of the white beans (and the tri-color fusilli, also from the cabinet) to make a pasta salad for us to eat for lunches throughout the week. The dressing is homemade sun-dried tomato & walnut. Very tasty. I'm looking forward to eating this for the next few days.

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