Wednesday, November 28, 2018

And now to Spain!

We were trapped in the house for three solid days during Hurricane Florence, which turned out to be an anticlimactic event for our part of central North Carolina, for which I am not complaining. But sometime during the second day I started idly looking at airfare to Europe for the week of Thanksgiving and discovered Barcelona was dirt-cheap. It seemed a bit intense to book a trip only 3 weeks after getting home from Italy with my mom - who do I think I am, some kind of fancy world traveler?? also I was a bit concerned my boss would object. But we decided who cares, it'll be fine. Tickets bought.

I'd never been all that interested in going to Barcelona for whatever reason, but we really loved our trip to Madrid & Andalucia a few years ago and figured it would be interesting to see how Northern Spain is different from the South. Plus, the food was guaranteed to be awesome.

Here we go! Sitting in a tiny chair for an overnight flight, our favorite. 

We flew to Paris and then had kind of a tight layover, but the timing worked out perfectly and we arrived in Barcelona around noon. I'd arranged a private driver through the hotel as we did in Italy, but he wasn't there when we got to the arrivals hall and we spent probably 30 minutes on the phone with the taxi company, the hotel, and the driver himself trying to figure out what was going on. Finally that was all worked out and he took us straight to the hotel.

We were starving, and went into the first acceptable nearby place for lunch. Hello, calamari!

And JAMON. We really need to up our ham game in the US.

Ben also got this insanely good duck. I love duck but feel guilty about it every time. Ben says it's fine to eat them because they serve no purpose.

Benjamin is going to be mad that I'm posting this picture, but it's too funny. After we got back to the hotel he kept falling dead asleep every 4 to 5 minutes. Finally we just decided to give up and go to sleep at 5pm.

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