Saturday, September 24, 2016


The new cat situation is going great. 

Doki is half the size of the other two, but is the boss of the house and does whatever she wants at all times. She chases Papaya around less than she used to, but the pecking order is still clear. 

However, this one - formerly Oki, now Michael - is our favorite by far. Unfortunately I think half the reason we like him best is because of his face, which makes me feel shallow, but he also has a tiny nervous meow and is very reserved, which I think makes us want to work hard and win his love. He does sleep at our feet every night and if I toss and turn at any point he comes up to the head of the bed for a few purrs and pets. It's extremely endearing. 

Doki likes to wedge herself next to me on the couch. She is very small. We share one cushion. 

Here she looks big but I assure you, she is not. 

This was an exciting moment, as Papaya usually behaves as though she's afraid Doki will kill her. There have been a handful of times they've all been on the bed or couch together, and mostly they do coexist fine, but we have a ways to go before actual friendship. 

All three!

But seriously, look at Mike.

How could we not like him best? Sorry, girls. 

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