Monday, August 26, 2013

Navajo Tacos

We made a new thing last night! I had almost talked myself out of going to the trouble, but once I said, "Do you think we really need to deep fry bread?" out loud to Ben I knew the deal was sealed. He will NEVER say no to deep frying anything.

You were supposed to roll the dough into 6 inch circles.  Haha.

but, you know, ugly still tastes good so who cares.  We used a stock pot to fry because our deep fryer is not big enough to handle 6 inch roughly circle shaped items.

Here is Ben being fake cheery about having his picture taken while he fried things.


So this recipe is in Vegan Sandwiches Save the Day, and is essentially fried bread with taco fillings piled on top. The protein is "chickpea chorizo," according to the book, but I am sort of over this vegan/vegetarian thing of calling non-meats by meaty names when they do not even come close to resembling the real thing (example: eggplant bacon. Just no).  The chickpeas were delicious in their own right, without being compared to meat. They were spicy and tomatoey and good. I did un-veganize it by adding some Mexican queso fresco, but that's okay.

They were good.  Really, really good.  I could only eat one and a half of them.

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