Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I drank wine at the beach!

Since leaving the wine distributor where I worked for eleven years, I've stayed in touch with my boss's daughter (who is my age) and we've become friends. I miss the wine industry! She invited me to come to the beach for the Beaufort Wine Festival this year, an event for which I made other people's hotel and dinner arrangements for over a decade but had never actually attended myself.

On the way there, driving by myself through rural Eastern North Carolina, my tire pressure light came on. Sighhhhh. I didn't really know what to do and debated ignoring it, but then saw KEVIN 'TIRE' on the side of the road so I stopped and asked a very nice man to check my tires. I'm no dummy, though; I took a picture in case I got murdered.

The tires were fine, fortunately; it was the first truly hot weekend of the year and I guess the heat makes a difference or something. Blah blah blah. I pressed on.

There are wine festival events all weekend, wine dinners & tastings, but the part I attended was sampling wines & snacks in a big tent outdoors. I saw lots of people I used to work with and drank a lot of rose. It was a great way to pass a Saturday afternoon.

After the event, we went to a house where many of my old company's employees and suppliers stay for the weekend. Let me be clear, "many" means like eight. But I guess they all brought wine. There was plenty.

This was the first time I'd really been involved in the social side of the wine business and it was a whole different situation than sitting in the office doing compliance paperwork, let me tell you. We went to a bar. A bar!! I don't even remember the last time I went to a bar.

The next morning I amazingly did not feel terrible. I stayed with my friend at my old boss's condo, which turned out to be understated but spotless and beautiful and perfectly situated, which is consistent with everything about the way he lives. I miss you, Mr. Kennedy!

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