I'm admittedly going a little nuts the last month or so with planning trips and activities, now that I feel like a normal person and have the freedom to do whatever I want again. Ben and I had decided long ago to skip our 20th class reunion because of a combination of my cancer and also not caring too much about going, but as the deadline for buying tickets grew nearer I realized I really wanted to go. If nothing else, I'd get to see my niece and nephews for the first time in eight months. I knew there was no point in trying to convince Ben to go so I bought a ticket for myself and Becca agreed to be my date.
And it was worth it! This one is getting big! He never stops moving for a second. He is like a human Banana, crawling all over the place where he isn't supposed to be.

Friday night Shannon and I drove to St. Joe and picked up Becca and grabbed a quick $7 dinner at Taco Bandido, a ramshackle fast food place only a native St. Josephite could love. The highlight for me is the taco burger, which is exactly what it sounds like. I called one time to ask how they made it so I could re-create it at home and they said, "well, we put the meat and taco sauce on a bun and then add lettuce and cheese." Oh, cool.

MMMMM. Becca also got these items for dessert. She said you pronounce it with a fancy long U sound but somehow I doubt it.

After that we went to an enormous country dance bar that used to be a Green Hills supermarket. There were like 28 stalls in the bathroom. It was pretty weird. I asked for the best beer they had and he gave me Bud Light. There was also a $10 credit card minimum so I had to buy 4 and then handed them out to various high school classmates. It was interesting that most people stuck to their friend circles, even though some of us hadn't seen each other since graduation. Also interesting that in a class of 400+, I'd say about 75 people turned out. Still, it was fun!
I had a really good time on Saturday with these nerds.

We went to the pool, which was strangely deserted, and ate a million Doritos.

Mira and Griffin seemed to take my mostly baldness in stride, but Sully told Mom it was "creepy," and then later I overheard him telling his friend Savannah, "Aunt Molly looks kind of freaky with that flat hair." REAL NICE, SULLIVAN.

Saturday night I drove back to St. Joe for the formal reunion dinner and had such a nice time! It was in this weird rustic barn/event center in a part of town I have definitely never seen in my life - part of the time the Google Maps lady had me driving on a gravel road between two 8-foot tall fields of corn. Saturday was a lot more mix-y than the first night - people circulated more and I got to spend time with people I hadn't talked to in years and years (and in some cases, maybe ever), including a good friend from junior high I sort of lost touch with in high school. I didn't get home until 2:00am!

Sunday we had a girls' outing to the Royals game. It started raining as soon as we pulled into the parking lot, so Mom and Hillary fashioned head coverings out of plastic bags. See, if they would just shave their heads they wouldn't have to worry about this.

It did stop raining soon after we arrived, but then of course the problem was off the charts humidity. So steamy! Still, we hung in there. I haven't been to a Royals game since Griffin was a baby, and certainly not since they were actually a team worth watching.

Mira and I had a hard time getting our natural sunscreen to absorb properly.

Sweaty family portrait!

We ended up leaving after the 7th inning because of the heat. Once the sun came out it was brutal, and at one point Mira said, "Mom, this isn't safe for kids." It isn't safe for anyone! They won, though, and we got to see the good parts so it was worth it.
It was a good weekend trip! I can't wait for more of them! Coming soon.
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