Thursday, May 16, 2013

Recent Stuff

I've been a really, really lazy cook lately.  As you have no doubt noticed, I'm not committed to being vegan full-time anymore and I think in a way it's contributed to the laziness factor, because I can fall back on so many of the old recipes from years past.  Here's what we've eaten for dinner this week:

This veggie burger is Morningstar Farms' Mushroom Lovers, which I highly recommend.  I don't think it's very mushroomy at all, but it IS delicious.  The chickpea pasta salad is one of my all-time favorite things, from Cooking Light.

Then we had bean burritos, which I fancied up by pouring canned enchilada sauce over the top and baking in the oven, then topping with lettuce, tomato, and green onions.

Tonight I made an old favorite again, this Vegetarian Times recipe for linguine in lemon cream sauce.  I used some weird specialty pasta that I brought home from work years ago.  It supposedly has chocolate and wine in it, but it tasted just like pasta to me.

I always add broccoli to bulk it up.

Here's a weird and exciting thing!  About a month ago, a weird plant sprouted out of our chives plant and started growing and growing - we left it there because it looked kind of nice and were interested to see what would happen.  Well!  It has turned out to be a strawberry plant!  We have no idea how that happened.  I doubt we could have grown strawberries on our shady back porch if we had actually tried.

I hope we actually get some edible strawberries out of it!  That would be pretty awesome.

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