This looks like your average stir-fry but it is awesome for two reasons:
1. I made the smoked tofu myself.
2. The stir-fry is not actually stir-fried, but was instead cooked in the crockpot, which means I didn't have to do any work (besides chopping).
I've been on the library request list for
The Vegan Slow Cooker for ages and it finally came in last week. It looked awesome enough that I ordered it from Amazon on Friday. I don't think I've used my crockpot once since we quit meat two and a half years ago, and I really missed being able to come home from work and have dinner waiting for me all ready to go.
There are a lot of basics in the book, in addition to what look to be really good recipes. For example, apparently you can do baked potatoes in the crock pot by poking holes in them and tossing them in there on low for 8 hours. WHAT?? Acquiring that knowledge alone was worth getting the book.
The smoked tofu was also done in the crockpot - I smoked it all day yesterday by putting a mixture of tea leaves, brown sugar, and rice in the bottom and setting the tofu in a steamer basket. The flavor wasn't all that strong, but the texture was amazing - nice and chewy the way the pre-baked Trader Joe's stuff is. She has some other flavoring ideas for smoked tofu so I'm excited to try more of them.

So for this dinner, I just threw that tofu in there with some carrots & onions, and added pineapple, red pepper, and broccoli about 45 minutes before dinner time. The sauce is pineapple juice, ginger, and soy sauce. I only use reduced sodium soy sauce so I did need to add some salt at the end (and some pepper, too). I almost always find that I need extra seasoning for crock pot recipes - it will be interesting to see if that continues with other recipes in the book. Anyway, I'm all excited now for future crock pot adventures, especially now that summer is coming and I won't want to use the oven.