I forgot about this for four months so hopefully I can remember the details of the second half of the trip...
I know for sure that on Day 5 we had to get a COVID test. Neither of us had had one before, but it was required for everyone entering the US, even vaccinated citizens, no more than 3 days before arrival. I wanted to get this done as soon as possible to minimize the potential exposure time before testing. Fortunately our hotel arranged for a nurse to come and do the test right there, saving us the surely traumatic experience of standing around for ages in a Mexican Urgent Care.
Hooray! We were both negative.

We set out for the extremely wealthy neighborhood of Polanco, where several museums are located. This area looked exactly like any other city's expensive shopping district. Soulless but clean and shiny. We stopped first at a food court to get lunch because we had become murderously hungry.

We went first to the Museo Jumex, a contemporary art museum. It had some interesting exhibits but turned out to be relatively small.

Then we went across the street to the Soumaya Museum, which the internet seemed to indicate is underwhelming, but we thought it was great. This is the personal collection of Carlos Slim, Mexico's richest man, and contained all sorts of treasures ranging from Renaissance paintings to antique harpsichords to a complete historical display of telephone technology to dozens of Rodin sculptures.
There were also a few of these old cylindrical records. My Uncle Skeeter had dozens of these in barrels in his basement.
There was one whole level devoted to carved elephant ivory.
I got in trouble for leaning over the railing to take this picture.
Here we are waiting for our Uber. It was juuuust about to rain but we made it in the car before it started.
We went back to our neighborhood and got a coffee. Ahh, Condesa, I miss you.
For dinner we walked over to La Capital, a hotel suggestion. We didn't have a reservation but got a great table and boy, this food and the service were incredible. I wanted to go back again the next night but Ben said we had to keep trying new places. We started with tuna tartare.
I'm pretty sure this is Ben's grilled octopus (it's been a while!). He loves octopus.
I got some kind of chicken thing with burrata and herbs that was the single best thing I ate in Mexico City. Outrageously good.
I got a nice fruity cocktail.
Then, because we are dumb, we ordered dessert. It was just berries so we thought it would be a nice light closure to the meal but it was enormous. We managed to finish it, though.