Because my mouth moves faster than my brain, we now have three cats. An acquaintance was telling me she had to give up her house and pets for reasons out of her control, and before I knew what was happening I'd said, "I can take the cats!" And then I thought, "oh man, Ben is going to kill me." But then I asked to see pictures of them and when I saw the fluff, I knew it was fate. The next day they came to live with us.
This is Doki. She is very small and aggressively affectionate.
Oki is her brother, much bigger and a little more suspicious of us. He's coming around, through.
But it's been two weeks and she's settled in for the most part. There is still some minor hissing when one of them takes another by surprise, but in general:
It was a good decision. They needed some medical care as a result of living their first few years as outdoor cats, but it's been really good for me to have something else to focus on besides, you know, the cancer. They are both gorgeous and sweet and funny and that moment when they're all running around demanding breakfast and then sit side by side munching away has rapidly become the best part of my day.